Mediterranean Diet Pyramid

mediterranean diet pyramidThe Mediterranean Diet Pyramid underlines the importance of the foods making up the principal food groups. Each of these individual food groups offers some, but not all, of the nutrients one needs. Food from one group cannot replace that of another group. All the groups are necessary for a healthy diet.

The Mediterranean diet food pyramid can be used as a guide on how to structure your meals for better health and weight loss. Following the Mediterranean diet meal structure together with a physically active lifestyle and minimizing stress is the key to wellbeing and longevity. Just this November, the food pyramid has been recognized by UNESCO as one of the noblest contribution of countries such as Italy and Greece in the history.

Then, they started working on the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid to replicate the successful nutritional results of such diet. Other important habits related to the good effects of the Mediterranean Diet were socialization, exercise, and the taste for eating. Unfortunately, these practices are more related to the culture and are not easily replicated in other parts of the world.

This will also mean that the additional weight which you put on will be pretty less. The 1st layer consists of foodstuffs which you can enjoy during the this diet. These foodstuffs include fresh fruits, vegetables, spices, healthy fats, whole grains. These are the food items which you can consume on a regular basis when you’re following the this diet.

The easiest way of exercise is when you integrate it into your daily activities. For example, walking and bicycling are typical methods of getting from place to place in many parts of the Mediterranean but not so common in the US. There are ways to get around that, though. Get up early and go for a 20-minute walk before breakfast, or try to go for a short walk during your lunch break. Other ways may be to park your car a walking distance from stores, or jump off one bus/train stop earlier, or take the stairs.

Regular physical activity to promote a healthy weight and overall fitness. Moderate wine consumption with meals (although Oldways now emphasizes this as an optional component, not appropriate for everyone). These guidelines give a simple overview of trends in the general Mediterranean diet. According to Oldways, the widely circulated United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) dietary guidelines and their Food Guide Pyramid have not made enough of an impact on the public health pro-file in the United States.

Above that is the layer including poultry, eggs, and cheese, which are eaten only about once a week. Sweets, red meat, and processed foods are placed on the top-tier of the pyramid. This means that they are consumed rarely or not at all. In countries like Italy, sweets like gelato are eaten in moderation.

One can adopt the general principles of this diet to what ethnic cuisines one is use to. If you want to learn more about Mediterranean recipes there several that you could find in the internet and you may modify it accordingly substituting locally available ingredients. Simply abide by what is suggested in the food pyramid.

Thus, you won’t just be enjoying better health from it, but the recipes will also give you the satisfaction that you are looking for each time you take a seat on your dining table. The diet pyramid actually provides you with its recommendations when it comes to the types of foods that you eat.

mediterranean diet pyramid

Eat at least two Food Guide Servings of fish each week (herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines and trout). Trim the visible fat from meats. Remove the skin on poultry. Use vegetable oils such as canola, olive and soybean. Limit butter, hard margarine, lard and shortening. Cereals: bread and pasta, rice, maize, oats, luff, grain, potatoes.

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